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AGM News

Chair Fiona von-Hinten takes us through the 2024 AGM – and then hands the reins to the newly elected Dani Newitt.


 Thank you all who attended the AGM. We had the best turn out we have had in a long time. Thank you to everyone who put their names forward for positions and stepped up - quite simply we wouldn’t have a club without you!

Here is your committee for the 24/25 season:

Committee Positions

Club Captain: Lucy Smith

Chairman: Danielle Newitt

Hon Sec: Caroline Webb

Hon Treasurer: Keren Loder

Mens 1st XI Captain: Mikey Orchard

Ladies 1st XI Captain: Samantha Williams

Training, Welfare, Growth & Development: Justin Singleton

Umpire Secretary: Amanda Catling

Fixture Secretary: Amanda Catling

PR Officer: Vicky Dennett

Bar Manager: Hamish Marr

Social Officer: Kate Baxter

Membership Officer: Charlotte Richardson (Sarah Mercer from January)

Website: Bethy Catling

Club Officers:

Mens 2nd XI Captain: tbc

Mens 3rd XI Captain: tbc

Boys Development Captain: Fraser Milne

Ladies 2nd XI Captain: Josie Mitchell

Ladies 3rd XI Captain: tbc

Ladies 4th XI Captain: Fiona von-Hinten

Girls Development: Fiona von-Hinten

Clothing Officer: Danielle Newitt

This is a super exciting chapter for the club. Getting the pitch was the start of the journey, now we need to focus on growing the club, whilst keeping true to our inclusive values.

Thanks everyone for your support over my last 4/5 years as Chair. We’ve achieved a huge amount and I’m excited to see what the new committee can do!

Signing off as Chair for the last time - you’ll find me next season on the pitch with our new ladies 4s or the GD, in both cases surrounded by my favourite group of young ladies! 

Fiona von-Hinten


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